Life Sketch Of The Fifth Guru
The fifth Guru Nanak, Shri Guru Arjan Dev Ji was born on Baisakh Vadi 7 Samat 1620 at Goindwal in Distt. Amritsar His father’s name was Shri Guru Ram Dass Ji and mother’s name was Shri Mata Bhani Ji, the daughter of Shri Guru Amar Dass Ji. His first wife passed away without any child; therefore, Guru Ji had second marriage with Mata Ganga Ji of Village Maoo, Distt. Jullundur and had a son named Shri Guru Hargobind Ji.
In Samat 1637 a relative of Shri Guru Ram Dass Ji named Shri Saharimal of Lahore came and made a request to Guru Ji, “the marriage of my son will take place at Lahore and ‘ou must come.” Guru Ji hims If could not go being busy in public work. Guru Ji asked his eldest son named Prithi Chand, the greedy, and the second son named Mahadev, the ascetic, but both of them did not agree to go. Then Guru Ji asked his youngest son named Arjan Dev to go to Lahore to attend the marriage. He obeyed the orders but was informed, “Unless I (Guru Ji) ask you to come back, you should stay on and preach there.”
After sometime he was anxious to see Guru Ji. He wrote three letters to Guru Ji. The first two letters were stolen by Prithi Chand and third came to the hands of Guru Ji. Guru Ram Dass took the letters from the pocket of Prithi Chand and called him a false. Guru Ji sent Baba Buddha Ji to bring ‘Arjan Dev’ from Lahore. After reaching Amritsar, Arjan Dev recited the fourth stanza and was blessed by the Guru Ji. He was installed on Gur Gaddi. Guru Ji offered him five paise and a Cocounut; the ceremony was performed by Baba Buddha Ji. Prithi Chand opposed it strongly. He built a tank and Dukh Niwarn in a village near Taran Taran Sahib but could not succeed. He continued the opposition and took possession of the land and the income of houses. At last Prithi Chand brough’ Sulhi Pathan to kill Guru Ji but he failed. Guru Ram Dass Ji advised Prithi Chand not to quarrel but he did not care. Guru Arjan Dev Ji was an apostle of peace. He suffered all kinds of hardships and continued free kitchen and brought up Meharvan, the son of Prithi Chand like his own son. Guru Ji helped the poor peasants by getting their taxes remitted from the Moghul Emperor Akbar and continued the charity fund (Dasvand).
Guru Ji built the following places: Ram Sar Shri Amritsar Golden Temple, its foundation stone was laid by Sai Mian Mir, a muslim faqir and kept four doors. Har Ki Pauri, Manji Sahib, Santokh Sar, Shri Taran Taran Sahib, Shri Kartarpur, Dislt. Jullundur Chheharta Sahib, Shri Gobind Pura, Bauli Sahib Lahore, Guru Ka Bagh Distt. Amritsar. Shri Mata Ganga Ji and Guru Ji himself served the lepers.
Shri Guru Granth Sahib was written in samat 1660 at the bank of Shri Ram Sar. Opening ceremony of Shri Guru Granth Sahib was done on Bhado Sudi, one samatl 1661 in Golden Temple and Baba Buddha Ji was appointed the first Priest. Writing work of Shri Guru Granth Sahib was done by Bhai Gurdass Ji. His writings were honoured and called the key of Shri Guru Granth Sahib. There are 5894 hymns in Shri Guru Granth Sahib and 937 hymns of Bhagats proving “God is one, omnipotent and omnipresent.” Guru Ji himself wrote hymns according to the wishes of the third Guru. Guru Ji sent Baba Buddha Ji and Bhai Gurdass Ji for bringing the volume of hymns of previous Gurus from Shri Goindwal Sahib which were in the possession of Mohan Ji, the son of third Guru, but they could not succeed to get them. Then Guru Ji himself went to Baba Mohan Ji and brought them with due respect. Here the upper storey of Baba Mohan Ji is an important place.
Martyrdom:-The promises of Guru Amardass Ji to his daughter Bhani ji’ that the Gur-Gaddi would remain in the family came to be fulfilled by the sacrifices. The order of Almighty God came. Guru Ji bowed down before the Golden Temple and went to Lahore along with five Sikhs and stayed at Bhai Sukhu Ji’s house and the followers came to see Guru Ji. Guru Ji was arrested by the Moghul soldiers. The order was given by the Moghul Emperor Jahangir. Jahangir wrote in his biography that the Sikh religion was the shop of falsehood. He wanted that Guru Ji should adopt the Muslim religion. He taxed Rupees two lakhs on Guru Ji on the pretext of helping his ebellious son Khusro. Guru Ji refused to pay it. Jahangir ordered to Murtaz Khan to martyr Guruji. Guru Ji also refused to accept the marriage of his son Hargobind Ji to the daughter of Chandu. Chandu ordered Guru Ji to pay the fine. Chapdu was the resident of Lahore and was an employee of Jahangir in Delhi. He kept on agonizing the Guru Ji.
In Lahore there is a red wall reminding us of these incidents. On the first day, Guru Ji was neither given the food to eat nor bed to sleep. On the second day, Guru Ji was boiled in a cauldron. On the third day Guru Ji ascended the burning ironplates to meet his ordeal of extreme suffering in the cause of truth. Chandu tried to sew Guru Ji in the skin of cow but all in vain. This horrible scene was seen by Sai Mian Mir and daughter-in-law of Chandu also. Guru Ji advised them to remain in peace and said ‘It is the will of God, which should be accepted peacefully at all costs.’Guru Ji met five Sikhs namely Bhai Jaitha Ji, Bhai Pirana Ji, Bhai Bidhia Ji, Bhai Parra Ji and Bhai Langha ji. Guru Ji was sent to the river Ravi to take bath. Here they recited ‘Japuji.’ After this Guru ji left for his heavenly abode on Jaith Sudi 4, Samat 1663 in Dera Sahib Lahore.
Some important followers: Bhai Gurdass ji, Bhai Manj ji, Bhai Behlo ji, Bhai Salo ji, Bhai Kalyana ji, Bhai Tilku ji, Bhai Sudhu ji, Bhai Bahom ji, Bhai Bidhi Chand ji, Bhai Ladha ji, Satta and Balwand a musician who wrote “Ramkali Ki Var,” Bhai Budhu ji, Wazir Khan, Saman and Musan, Nihala, who served the Guru and were blessed. (Peelu, Chhaju, Kahna, Shah Hussain) whose writings were not included in Guru Granth Sahib as these were not found suitable.
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